Establishment of Union Way Factory (the origin of MEC) in Boashan Industrial Area, Zhang Mu Tou, Southern China, with key operations in OEM manufacturing of timers and battery chargers.
Reconstruction of the factory at the current site by the river at Guan Cang, Zhang Mu Tou, Southern China.
Relocation to the new factory site and it remains to these days.
Establishment of Hong Kong foothold with the set-up of Mainland Energy Conversion Ltd.
ODM began with the set-up of R&D for designing battery chargers and power supplies; launched the very first MEC-labelled product with our own inductive components. The era of self-sufficiency begun.
“MEC” registered as trademark under the Trade Marks Ordinance in Hong Kong.
Complete fulfillment of RoHS compliance; with other international recognized certificates passed.
Establishment of MEC-Energietechnik GmbH, the European sales arm in 2007, in Villach, Austria, to better serve clients with direct communication.
ODM product G-Bus-8 was nominated as the favourite product by U.S. consumers.
Launch of a series of high-end, waterproof industrial battery chargers which were well received by the markets; factory first certified for ISO 9001:2008.
Launch of 300W waterproof, industrial battery chargers.
The factory transformed to wholly foreign owned enterprise and renamed as Mengling Power Electronic (Dong Guan) Co. Ltd. with complete facilities for smooth running of vertical assembly lines; R&D centres set up in Austria and Taiwan in the same year.
Launch of 1000W waterproof, industrial battery chargers.
Launched the highly efficient yet compact 250W to 500W series for charging lithium-based batteries.
Opened up the market of domestic sales within mainland China; started participating in the annual electronica China; factory certification updated to ISO 9001:2015.
“MEC” registered as trademark under National Intellectual Property Administration in China. First launch of MEC LiFePO4 battery pack for forklift trucks, heavy-loaded trucks and sea taxies.
1989 創立工廠
在華南樟木頭寶山工業區創建依聯威電子廠(MEC 的發源地),主要經營計時器和電池充電器的 OEM 生產。
1992 建造 MEC 自家工廠
1993 定立於樟木頭官倉
1999 於香港成立辦事處
於香港成立 Mainland Energy Conversion Ltd.;建立香港的立足點。
位於山上的簡易結構群,這是我們 1989 年的工廠原地。
最開始的時候,我們工廠的原地,1989 年山上。
上世紀 90 年代,我們敬業,開朗的員工。
2000 自給自足的時期
ODM 生產服務從建立電池充電器與電源設計研發部開始,推出了第一款採用我司自家製電感元件、並以 MEC 為品牌的產品,開始了自給自足的時期。
2005 在香港註冊商標
2006 符合 RoHS, WEEE, CE 認證
完全滿足 RoHS 的要求;並通過及其他其他國際認可的證書。
2007 於奧地利成立分公司
於 2007 年在奧地利菲拉赫成立 MEC-Energietechnik GmbH,我們位於歐洲的服務處,以便更好地與客戶作直接溝通。
2008 被提名為「美國最愛」
ODM 產品 G-Bus-8 被美國消費者提名為最喜愛的產品。
2011 首度獲 ISO 9001:2008 認證
推出一系列高端防水工業用電池充電器,受到市場好評;工廠首度獲 ISO 9001:2008 認證
2013 推出 300W 防水系列
推出 300W 防水工業用電池充電器。
2014 於奧地利和台灣設立研發中心
2015 推出 1000W 防水系列
推出 1000W 防水工業用電池充電器。
2016 推出新的輕巧型系列
推出輕巧而高效的 250W 至 500W 鋰電池充電器。
2017 獲得 ISO 9001:2015 認證
開拓中國大陸內銷市場;開始參加年度的electronica China 電子展;工廠獲得 ISO 9001:2015 認證。
2019 於中國內地註冊商標;首度推出 MEC 電池組
在中國國家知識產權局註冊「MEC」為商標。首次推出用於叉車、重載車、船舶和遊艇的 LiFePO4 電池組。
1992 年我們在樟木頭官倉河邊建廠,到今時今日,我們還在這裡。