electric & hybrid marine 2021 met worldwide shipowners, marine platform operators, boat builders, propulsion system designers and manufacturers, naval architects, military fleet operators/chiefs, and of course port operators online during January 19-21, 2021, for its series of virtual conferences feature reputational speakers from the electric and hybrid marine industry. MEC Power Solutions is proud to be one of the sponsors for this one-of-a-kind intellectual event, to kick-start the year of 2021.
With our strong interests in electric propulsion systems, we are always getting involved in the latest discussions on news or technologies which are to be applied on live, at the actual working environment. Through various engagements and interactions with different parties, we are rewarded with the insights and ideas for product development, which can be realized in near future.
MEC, the manufacturer of chargers and battery packs since 1989, your reliable partner on power solutions.
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